This term “lawsuit loans” is a new term describing how a person can get a cash advance while waiting on their lawsuit to settle. The cash advance given is based on the expected settlement funds that will be decided after the case is over. Although this seems like a regular loan, the process of lawsuit loans are different. Being that pre-settlement funding is a new thing, most people are confused on the two. Basically, pre-settlement companies only requires that you pay back your cash advance once your case is settled. This allows the person in the suit to get settlement money now while their case is pending. As we mentioned, lawsuit loans are different from regular loans. To even get pre-settlement loans you have to be going through a case. The term “loan” only goes along with the pre-settlement funding process because it’s easier to understand for people. A regular loan is money that you borrow and have to repay back no matter what. On the other hand, you did not have to repay pre-settlement loans if you do not settle your case. What they both have in common though, is that they do have interest percentage rates. Interest rates do vary depending on the settlement funding company you’re working with. Some may have the information on their rates on their company website and others will provide that information after your approval. You can rest assured that a cash advance from a settlement funding company is not risky at all. Pre-settlement loans are not the same as regular loans as mentioned before. Meaning you do not have to worry about paying anything back after losing your case. All you have to do is make sure you are qualified for funding in your area, have all required documentation, and just like that you get settlement money now! If you think you will be qualified with us, feel free to apply today! You have the opportunity to get your settlement money now rather than later. Pre-settlement funding companies help you get a cash advance while your case is pending. Additionally, this allows you to focus on your expenses for life more instead of your lawsuit. We at Thrivest Link provide pre-settlement funding within 24 hours after approval. Pre-settlement companies work with many case types presented to them. For example, if you have a slip and fall case we would help with settlement funding if approved by us. You could expect a slip and fall settlement within 24 hours from us after approval. Other case types accepted by us are personal injury, transportation accidents, and many more case types. Contact us to get more information on all the cases we fund and also ask how we can help you! Many states are qualified to get pre-settlement funding within the country. The coverage for your case depends on the settlement funding company you’re working with. This is due to certain laws in some states preventing lawsuit loans by some companies. For more information on the states we fund, feel free to look on our website. Lawsuits usually can take months to years before they settle. In that time it is understandable that you will have things you have to pay for. For these instances, you can get more pre-settlement funding if your case has more room for it. Check out this article for more details on how this could work for you.
What Are Lawsuit Loans?
Pre-settlement Loans Vs Regular Loans
5 Ways Pre-Settlement Funding Works For You
1. Pre-settlement Funding is risk free!
2. Get Settlement Money Now!
3. Your Case Type Will Get Lawsuit Funding
4. Your State Can Get Settlement Funding
5. You Can Get Multiple Cash Advances