If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured, the physical, financial, and emotional losses you experience can be overwhelming. Obtaining the compensation to which you’re entitled and that you need can require a personal injury lawsuit – and it can take months or even years to see any money for your losses.
If this is the difficult situation you find yourself in, simply covering the expenses of everyday living can become problematic, but pre-settlement funding from an industry-leading settlement funding firm can help immensely.
We help those who’ve been harmed by the negligence of others by providing lawsuit funding that allows them to cover a wide range of necessary expenses while their claims are either settled or resolved in court. The kinds of claims that we commonly cover include the following:
In the wake of any of the above accidents or incidents, you can experience considerable losses, which are identified as legal damages, including:
Pre-settlement funding can provide you with the money you need to address the expenses you face right now – without rushing your claim to an early settlement out of financial desperation.
The pre settlement litigation funding process involves the following three simple steps:
Once you obtain this much-needed funding, you’ll have the financial security necessary to continue negotiating for a solid settlement that fairly addresses your complete losses.
Pre-settlement funding is what’s known as non-recourse debt, which means it isn’t a loan in the traditional sense, and there is no risk to you. A settlement funding company will offer you funding that is based on the strength of your case prior to your expected lawsuit settlement or jury award . The third-party funding company assumes the financial risk in the event that you do not prevail.
As mentioned, the lawsuit funding company assumes the financial risk involved and bases your funding on its skilled assessment of your claim’s strength. When your claim is settled or receives a court award, the lawsuit funding company will receive a prearranged percentage of that amount. This percentage is based on the degree of risk involved in relation to your unique claim, but if your claim proves unsuccessful, you won’t owe anything.
Obtaining pre-settlement loans can lead to significant advantages for you.
Most personal injury claims go through the insurance company of the at-fault party, and insurance companies are well aware that time is often of the essence when it comes to settlements.
They recognize that the longer it takes to settle your claim, the more likely you are to settle for less than it’s actually worth, and too many insurance companies are not above taking advantage of the situation.
Other tactics that insurance companies commonly turn to in their efforts to delay and minimize settlements include:
With plaintiff legal funding on your side, you’ll have the funds you need to stay the course and continue advocating for a just settlement.
You’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence, and you’re facing considerable medical expenses as a result. In fact, you may have to put off medical procedures and treatments until your claim is settled, which can delay your recovery or even interfere with your overall health and well-being.
With the lawsuit funding that you need, you help to ensure an optimal health outcome that is based on receiving the medical care you need when you need it.
Being injured in an accident that was caused by someone else is stressful, and not being able to cover your daily expenses as a result compounds the stress. With pre-settlement funding, you can cover your daily expenses without the following added concerns:
At Thrivest Link, we understand the financial struggle that personal injury claimants often face, and we have the financial resources to help. We offer pre-litigation funding that is based on the strength of your claim and comes with no financial risk to you.
If your claim is successful, we’ll receive a prearranged percentage of the settlement, but in the meantime, you’ll have the funds you need to pay your bills, take care of your health, and fight for your legal rights. To learn more, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Call Us: (888) 697-7352
Thrivest Link Legal Funding is an industry leading settlement funding firm offering fast cash advances and lawsuit loans nationwide.
1100 E Hector St Suite 210, Conshohocken, PA 19428
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