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Legal Funding for Premises Liability Lawsuit Plaintiffs

Thrivest Link offers fast legal funding for premises liability lawsuit. This means you can get financial help while you wait for your expected settlement. The scope of premises liability is broad, covering various incidents including resbalones y caídas, dog bites, and incidents of inadequate building security leading to injuries or assaults. Getting a big payout from these kinds of lawsuits can take time and be really complicated. That’s why we’re committed to helping by giving you money upfront, which you don’t have to pay back if you don’t win your case.

Premises Liability Statistics & Settlement Funding

According to a 2023 update from the Maryland Injury Law Center, premises liability cases can involve a wide range of injuries and settlements. For instance, the average premises liability verdict has reached significant amounts, with cases involving spinal nerve injuries and disc and other spinal injuries receiving median verdicts of $162,000 and $185,000, respectively. Individual case verdicts and settlements have showcased a wide array of circumstances and injuries. Settlements have varied significantly, starting from $30,000 for injuries due to collapsing steps. At the higher end, a settlement reached $3,500,000 for a man who sustained serious injuries after falling through a sidewalk vault door.

Moreover, the Downtown LA Law Group outlines the broad spectrum of injuries that can be present in premises liability lawsuits, which include, but are not limited to, concussions, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, spinal cord injuries, fractures, burns, and in severe cases, paralysis or death. These injuries underscore the serious nature of premises liability cases and highlight the importance of plaintiffs access to lawsuit funding.

Given the substantial potential settlements and the often lengthy legal processes involved, you might find yourself facing financial pressures. Fortunately, Thrivest Link offers the necessary legal funding to help you manage your finances ahead of your expected premises liability lawsuit settlement.

Are You A Plaintiff In Need Of Legal Funding For Your Premises Liability Lawsuit?

Premises Liability Statistics & Settlement Funding

If you’re in a bind with a premises liability lawsuit and need money now for essentials like bills or rent, fill out our plaintiff application. A Thrivest Link team member will get back to you quickly, within just a few hours— not days!

Get A Lawsuit Advance for Your Premises Liability Case

A Thrivest Link lawsuit advance for premises liability plaintiffs provides non-recourse funding, meaning if your case doesn’t settle in your favor, you have no obligation to repay the funds.

¡Obtenga financiación legal en 24 – 48 horas!

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